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RO Plant for Boiler Feedwater Treatment at Chemical Plant

Customer Needs


This project involved working with NAPE (Nanjing Auto Purify Engineering) to install and commission a pretreatment + RO plant

The client is a global chemical company which was in need to replace their old RO system for a bigger capacity and better water chemistry control. Their stainless steel pressure vessel and piping had exposed to chlorine attack as well due to poor water quality management.

The client required a new RO plant to mainly supply the feedwater for their boiler and other heat recovery stream. It is also used in manufacturing their key intermediate chemical solution for their downstream product.

Our Delivery


The RO plant we designed and installed includes

  • pre-treatment system (Pre Activated Carbon Filter + softener + 5μm filter + 1μm filter + Post Activated Carbon Filter )

  • 1 pass 2 stage RO

  • CIP system

  • Siemens PLC controlled operation.

The system is designed operate automatically using tank level as control indicator hence there is no manual labour operation required.

System Outcome


The RO plant was successfully delivered within budget and timeline. The system has also achieved the client's quality requirement and help to improve the water chemistry.

  • Total Free Chlorine : < 0.1 ppm

  • Total Hardness : < 1.0 ppm

  • Conductivity : <15 μS/cm




4000 L/hr


Boiler Feedwater

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